Tuesday, April 6, 2010

If Hope Has a Pric(z)e

Ok, I am quite late in letting my feelings out. Part of the reason goes to I actually wanted the debate to reach a point and see how people react to this news.

Just a couple of months ago, we were discussing how beleaguered Mr President's situation is: regarding his top-of-the-list health care reform. There is the right wingers and there is the left-wingers. When Mr Obama started his Presidency, he was all out to say he will going to work in a bi-partisan fashion. Well, that became a pipe dream in no time. Not everything in Washington is simple and easy. Then there is the Iran nuclear issue, hullabaloo over Guantanamo prison closing delays; the Israelis were digging in their heels with respect to settlement expansion etc etc. Oh, I forgot the economy. Are you saying economy is humming again ? Well lets just keep it in the list for the time being. So, yes, the list is long for the President. If you dont want to ignore, the right calls him socialist, Marxist, dictator, careless and so many other adjectives which I am sure will boil anybody's blood sans the President. Or at least he does not show that. Whichever it is, thats something we can ignore at this time.

And someone in the discussion said, this guy deserves a prize. The Nobel did not cross the mind though. But yes, after holding the President's office of United States, what more is there to expect for Mr Obama. I could think of few looking at American trends ! Couple of stamps showing his face, some coins showing his head and may be a street names after him and at last a library name after him..
The news about Mr Obama's Nobel winning must have caused millions say "What ? Not him ! Nah !". Thousands of computer key boards must have met their end of life by unprecedented stressful typing and spraying of caffeines from readers mouth. Unwanted coffee spraying must have eliminated hundreds of crisp white shirts from friends closets. All for the single word: "What ?".

Honestly, like me, a lot of people will think that economy follows a curve of ups and downs. So Mr Bush just happened to be unlucky to be in the "down" curve and Mr Obama is just lucky to be on the "up" curve. Thats not entirely untrue though. But I like the quote from his Chief of Staff : Never let a crisis go in vain. Thats the reason he could do the healthcare. Many believe, the healthcare reform ended up being something what it started to be or what it was aimed at. But I come to a point to agree with Mr Obama for a number of things. At least its is the beginning !